Burning Witches

Before Christianity conquered Europe and replaced our original traditions with their own, the time around November,1st was known as Samhain – the night when souls could wander between dimensions and socialize with the living. Fires were lit to show the souls the way, and druids and witches were fully occupied with offerings, rites and other things this mythical night. Legends tells about witches’ gatherings with the Devil himself and if you wanted to meet a witch this night you would just put your clothes on inside out and then walk backwards. Soon enough, a witch would manifest on your path.
Visitors to Sabaton Open Air doesn´t have to be that dramatic, only buy a ticket to see this Swiss quintet BURNING WITCHES live on one of our stages next summer.
This band has bewitched the metal world since its self-titled debut in 2017 with its old school/speed metal, where comparisons are made with both Judas Priest and Iced Earth, among others. Things are moving fast for these witches, they have already enchanted loads of fans at the major festivals around Europe. And this summer it’s our turn! They promise a magical show where you are drawn into their witch’s circle of adrenaline, headbanging and one helluva show!
Here´s a new teaser for you, ”Wings of Steel”: